Stock Orchid Photography
11 galleries
STock images of orchid photography, categories such as phalaenopsis moth orchids, cattleya types, paphiopedilum ladyslippers, species and hybrids, Oncidium group, intergeneric hybrids, dendrobiums, etc. This is just a small sample of the vast inventory of orchid images we have available. Contact us with specific lists for more.
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94 imagesPhalaenopsis Moth Orchid stock photography, classic moth orchids images, white, yellow, spotted, striped, multifloral, miniature, orchid houseplants, plant habits, orchids growing, flowering, in bloom, closeup, phal orchid photos, species, hybrids.
70 imagesCattleya type orchid stock images, corsage orchids, splash petal orchids, hybrids, species, intergeneric orchid photos, fragrant, classic, many colors, flowering, in bloom, plant habit, growing and more. Our orchid stock photography library has thousands more orchids in stock inventory, so send us a photo list for personalized search service.
101 imagesStock orchid photography of Paphiopedilum ladyslipper orchids, species, hybrids, Maudiae, callosum, plant habits, flowers, closeup images, bulldogs, tropical slipper orchids, houseplants
974 imagesOrchids Stock Photography of species & hybrid orchids detail closeups of flowers, phalaenopsis moth orchids, paphiopedilum ladyslippers, miltonia pansy orchids, cymbidiums, oncidium, native orchids cypripedium, cattleya orchids, fragrant orchids, rare. Our stock photo agency has a vast inventory of orchid pictures - a sub specialty from the orchid picture library of judywhite, author of the famous Taylor's Guide to Orchids book. Search for more images with above search or email us.
58 imagesOncidium orchid stock photography, including species and hybrids, Tolumnia, Psychopsis butterfly orchids, Sharry Baby, Gower Ramsey, Golden Girl, Twinkle, Tolumnia, equitant oncidiums, yellow, red, white. We have many more Oncidium orchids in stock, so let us know if you want a personalized online lightbox of more uploads.
23 images
53 images
69 imagesStock photography of orchid Dendrobium flowers, including Dendrobium nobile hybrids, Den. phalaenopsis hybrids, kingianum. We have many more Dendrobium stock images in our vast orchid picture library, so email us if you need to search further and we'll create a personalized online lightbox with more uploads.
45 imagesMasdevallia & Dracula orchid species and hybrids. Kingdom: Plantae Angiosperms Monocots Order: Asparagales Family: Orchidaceae Subfamily: Epidendroideae Tribe: Epidendreae Subtribe: Pleurothallidinae Genus: Masdevallia Genus: Dracula
36 imagesVandaceous Aeridinae orchids, including Vanda species and hybrids, Ascocenda, Mokara, Trudelia, Neofinetia, etc. Some of the Blue Orchids are found among the Vandas. Kingdom: Plantae (unranked): Angiosperms (unranked): Monocots Order: Asparagales Family: Orchidaceae Subfamily: Epidendroideae Tribe: Vandeae Subtribe: Aeridinae
229 imagesStock images of Plants & flowers in pots and containers, container garden annuals, bulbs, perennials, vines, vegetables, succulents, windowboxes, terracotta - our stock picture library has thousands more container plant images in stock inventory, so if you don't find what you need in an online photo search, email with specific photo requests and we'll quickly set up a personalized lightbox.